Learn about current park closures and updates.
Developing parks, preserves and recreation facilities creates
healthy communities, protects valuable natural and cultural resources,
provides recreation opportunities, reduces crime and vandalism,
increases efficiency and sustainability, and fosters responsible
economic development. Read more in our Healthy
Edge Active Living Park Design Guidelines.
Interested in projects that are out to bid? Please refer to the County BuyNet Site.
The Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) is advancing detailed designs for a shadeway connecting Christmas Circle to Borrego Springs County Park along Sunset Road. DPR is partnering with the Department of Public Works (DPW) during the design and construction of the project because DPW is simultaneously working on a pedestrian improvements along Sunset Road. DPR hosted a first virtual public meeting on Oct. 22, 2020 and second virtual public meeting on April 28, 2021, in addition to circulating two online surveys following each meeting to solicit community feedback on the aesthetics of the shade structures:
DPR worked with the Borrego Art Institute in the Summer of 2021 to finalize shade structure colors and panel patterns to create a shadeway that also functions as an art walk for the community. Construction is anticipated to commence Fall 2024.
For more information about the project please contact Park Project Manager Luke Taylor at lucas.taylor@sdcounty.ca.gov or (619) 609-8813
The County purchased land off Calavo Drive, north of Jamacha Boulevard, for a future park. The land features relatively flat open space, disturbed habitats, is close to multi-family housing and schools, making it an ideal location for future recreational amenities. Calavo County Park is being designed based on stakeholder outreach and to meet the recreational needs of Spring Valley residents of all ages and interests. The Department of Parks & Recreation conducted a total of three public outreach meetings along with online surveys for Calavo Park.
Access project information or contact Sr. Park Project Manager Emily Hubbard at Emily.Hubbard@sdcounty.ca.gov or (858) 790-1120.
The County Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) is collaborating with the La Mesa Spring Valley School District at Spring Valley Academy, located at 3900 Conrad Dr, Spring Valley, CA 91977, to enhance their campus with park amenities. These improvements will not only benefit the academy but also be accessible to the public, offering additional recreational opportunities for the community.
DPR is gearing up to host a series of public meetings and workshops beginning Fall 2024 to gather input from the school and the surrounding community regarding their preferences for amenities. These meetings will serve as valuable forums for students, residents, and users of all ages and abilities, to voice their opinions and share their ideas.
View Presentation
from public meeting #1.
View Recorded public
meeting #1.
Presentation from public meeting #2.
Recorded public meeting #2.
For further details, please reach out to Park Project Manager Camille Wildburger at CamilleL.Wildburger@sdcounty.ca.gov or 619-616-0534.
The Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) is designing a community garden for Collier Park. The garden will consist of rent-able raised beds enclosed by removable screens, and will include a shed and compost bin, all surrounded by a fence. The garden will also have ADA accessible paths and two accessible garden boxes. The garden will be located at the southwest corner of Collier Park, and will be constructed using American Recovery Plan Act (ARPA) funds. Construction will occur in late 2024, and will be complete by June 2025.
Plan view of the garden layout
For more information, please contact Park Project Manager Matthew Fleming at Matthew.Fleming@sdcounty.ca.gov or 858-378-2701.
A vacant parcel next to the Tijuana River will be restored through native plantings. The project includes cleanup of the property as well as restoring onsite sensitive habitat. The project is currently under design and environmental review, with construction and restoration anticipated to begin fall 2024.
For more information, please contact Krupali Shah, Park Project Manager, at Krupali.Shah@sdcounty.ca.gov or (619)-629-4964.
El Monte Valley Little League Field Improvements
In spring of 2021, the County purchased the Lakeside American Little League fields, better known as Matt LaChappa Fields, located at 13145 Willow Rd in the El Monte Valley in Lakeside. By acquiring the property, the Lakeside American Little League was able to retain use of the facility via a long-term lease agreement with the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR). DPR strives to ensure that leased lands are provided to its lessees in good condition and are well maintained to ensure the safety of the patrons and deliver a high-quality experience. DPR has coordinated with the Lakeside American Little League to prioritize improvements needed for the facility to meet County park standards. These improvements include installing ADA accessible paths of travel, installing new restrooms, replacing the concession stand with one that is compliant with County Health Codes, and rehabbing grass fields to make playable. Construction documents were completed in the summer of 2024 and the project is currently out to bid. DPR will continue to coordinate closely with the Little League throughout the design and construction phases of the project. For more information, read the FAQ document.
For more information, contact Park Project Manager Faye Pokletar at faye.pokletar@sdcounty.ca.gov or (619) 510-1278.
Felicita County Park Sewer and Electrical Upgrade
The Department of Parks and Recreation will be repairing the existing sewer system throughout the park as well as replacing the septic system to connect the sewer to the City of Escondido sewer system. The new sewer system will include sewer lift stations and electrical upgrades to run the pumps. Additional electrical outlets will also be added to picnic areas 5 and 7. The sewer and electrical improvements are currently in design.
For more information, contact Park Project Manager Lucas Taylor at 619-609-8813 or lucas.taylor@sdcounty.ca.gov.
Heritage County Park Improvements
In July 2024 we began construction on garden enhancements for the existing upper lawn at Heritage Park. The project will enhance the landscaping, provide accessible pathways, add a new outdoor classroom, and includes a new wedding gazebo. Construction is expected to be complete in Summer 2025.
Additionally, we are in design and planning to renovate the interior of four of the buildings within the park. The project will renovate and update the interior of the Victorian-era homes to add overnight accommodations. Planning and design for these improvements is expected to take approximately one year, with construction of the improvements expected in 2025.
The Coral Tree Tea House in McConaughy House, the ranger office and interpretive room in Senlis Cottage, and Temple Beth Israel will remain open during the duration of the both construction projects.
Additionally, we are in design and planning to renovate the interior of four of the buildings within the park. The project will renovate and update the interior of the Victorian-era homes to add overnight accommodations. Planning and design for these improvements is expected to take approximately one year, with construction of the improvements expected near the end of 2026. View an overview master plan of the building renovation project.
For more information, contact Park Project Manager Amy Hoffman at Amy.Hoffman1@sdcounty.ca.gov or (619) 695-6003.
For reservation information, contact Supervising Park Ranger Hanna Shipley at Hannah.Shipley@sdcounty.ca.gov.
Lindo Lake Photo-Voltaic Carports
The Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) continues its work on the improvements at Lindo Lake Park, with the addition of two photo-voltaic carport structures within the existing parking lot that will supplement the Teen Center’s power supply. This is part of the County-wide effort to introduce sustainable sources of energy to all its parks. Solar carports not only provide cleaner energy, but also add shade for cars and reduce the heat island effect by blocking sun exposure to asphalt paving.
For more information about the project, please contact Park Project Manager Michael Espiritu at (619) 913-8488 or michaeljohn.espiritu@sdcounty.ca.gov .
Lonny Brewer County Park Off-Leash Area Improvements
Lonny Brewer Park is a 5-acre neighborhood park located in unincorporated community of Valle De Oro and Community Service Area 26. The park offers a large open lawn with mature oak trees, picnic tables, and barbecues. DPR plans to improve this park with off-leash area for dogs. The project is comprised of three off-leash fenced areas to separate large dogs and small dogs. The third additional fenced area would allow for both large and small dogs and would be used as a temporary area when one of the off-leash compartments are closed for maintenance. The project also includes an ADA walkway, accessible ramp from Fury Lane, seating, drinking fountain with pet bowl, and shade trees. Construction began in summer 2023 and will be completed in summer 2024.
For more information, contact Park Project Manager Aaron Leon at Aaron.Leon@sdcounty.gov or (858) 287-1580.
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Los Peñasquitos Outdoor Classroom
The County of San Diego Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) is exploring options to improve an outdoor classroom space at Los Peñasquitos Canyon County Preserve. DPR staff have been reaching out to residents to solicit feedback on the design of this new community amenity. The County hosted its first virtual public meeting to introduce the proposed project and solicit community feedback on May 24, 2022. An online survey circulated for two weeks after the meeting to gather community feedback for the project. We used this feedback to create a concept plan that we shared at a second virtual public meeting held on Dec. 7, 2022. An online survey circulated for two weeks after the meeting to gather comments on the proposed concept plan. DPR is currently reviewing feedback and putting together the final concept plan to share at the third virtual public meeting, later this year.
For more information about the project please contact Riley DeWitt-Rickards, Park Project Manager at riley.dewittrickards@sdcounty.ca.gov or (619) 695-6010.
Louis A. Stelzer County Park Visitor’s Center and Ranger Station
The County of San Diego Department of Parks and Recreation is updating the ranger station and visitor’s center at Louis A. Stelzer County Park. The new building will have an improved animal exhibit area, ranger information desk, and upgraded ADA accessible parking.
Building design elevation sheet
Demolition of the existing Ranger Station will begin on 2/9/2024. The park remains open to the public but please be advised of increasing construction activity M-F during normal working hours. This activity will last through the spring and summer as we construct the new Ranger Station and Visitor Center. Project completion is expected in the fall of 2024.
For more information, contact Park Project Manager David LaGuardia
at 619-932-9600 or DavidK.LaGuardia@sdcounty.ca.gov.
Mira Mesa Epicentre
Mira Mesa Epicentre is located at 8450 Mira Mesa Blvd, San Diego, CA 92126 – next to Mira Mesa Community Park. This 8,000-square- foot facility is not yet open to the public.
This is a new project to revitalize an existing facility. The County Board of Supervisors directed resources toward the facility to rehabilitate it as a youth-focused community center. Lease negotiations are currently underway between the County and the City of San Diego, who owns and previously operated the facility. Once reopened, Mira Mesa Epicentre will reactivate an important public space, offer innovative youth programming, enhance recreation and entertainment opportunities, improve access to public services, and increase public safety in the community.
For more information about the project please contact Riley DeWitt-Rickards, Park Project Manager at riley.dewittrickards@sdcounty.ca.gov or (619) 695-6010.
View our Frequently
Asked Questions.
View past public presentations:
Mt. Woodson Gateway County Preserve
The County of San Diego Department of Parks and Recreation acquired the 84-acre Mt. Woodson Gateway property in April 2019. The land sits to the west of SR-67 in Ramona. Seventy-five acres were added to the County’s Multiple Species Conservation Program to protect native chamise chaparral, oak woodland, coastal sage scrub habitats and a variety of dependent wildlife. The remaining land was joined to another County-owned parcel to construct a dedicated parking area for visitors to Mt. Woodson. View the Park Concept Plan.
The design of the new parking lot will provide approximately 200 public parking spaces and 11 accessible parking spaces and allow for two-way driveway traffic, emergency vehicle access, hammerhead turn-around. It will also include space for portable restrooms, solar-powered bollard lighting, solar-powered entry gate, a trash enclosure, chain link fencing and gates. Additional amenities include a prefabricated bridge across a small creek, decomposed granite trails, installation of an information kiosk and a park monument sign.
The new parking lot will be maintained and managed by DPR. Staff is exploring opportunities for day use fees and permit options for frequent visitors and for those who live nearby. This project will bring safe access to recreational hiking trails.
This project complies with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as adopted by the Board of Supervisors on January 25, 2023 (Item 3). View the Mt. Woodson Gateway County Preserve Parking Lot Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program.
Construction is anticipated to begin in the summer of 2024 and is anticipated to be complete in November of 2025.
For further information, contact Park Project Manager Emmet Aquino at Emmet.Aquino@sdcounty.ca.gov or (619) 318-6929.
Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Park Feasibility Study
On Feb. 10, 2021, the County of San Diego Board of Supervisors authorize the County to submit an application to California State Parks Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division (OHMVR) seeking grants to investigate the feasibility of establishing an off-highway motor vehicle park in the County. DPR was recently award grant funding to conduct the County of San Diego’s first OHV Park Feasibility Study.
Access project information or contact Park Project Manager Emmet Aquino at Emmet.Aquino@sdcounty.ca.gov or (619) 318-6929.
Otay Lakes County Park Sewer Upgrade
The Department of Parks and Recreation is replacing the existing and outdated septic system at Otay Lakes County Park. The new sewer system will be a 1-mile force-main and the project will include minor electrical upgrades as well.
For more information, contact Park Project Manager Krupali Shah at
619-629-4964 or Krupali.Shah@sdcounty.ca.gov.
Otay Valley Regional Park (OVRP) - Concept Plan (Revised)
The Otay Valley Regional Park Concept Plan is the result of a multi-jurisdictional planning effort in the Otay River Valley by the County of San Diego and the Cities of Chula Vista and San Diego. In 1990, the jurisdictions entered into a Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement (JEPA) for coordinated planning, acquisition, and design for the 11-mile OVRP, which extends from the San Diego Bay to the upper Otay Reservoirs. The original Concept Plan was adopted in 1997, revised in 2001 and revised again in 2016. In 2016, the Concept Plan was reviewed and updated for changes in existing conditions and potential Regional Park Enhancements.
View PDF of the revised 2016 Otay Valley Regional Park Concept Plan.
Otay Valley Regional Park - Active Recreation Area 3
As part of the Otay Valley Regional Park Concept Plan, the County of San Diego is developing a 45-acre park between Interstates 5 and 805. This park project includes the preliminary design plan for active recreation amenities that will appeal to residents of all ages, interests and abilities. Examples include soccer fields, all-wheel features, an amphitheater, a community center, a playground, a disc golf course, a dog park, a community garden, nature trails, and accessible restrooms and parking. The project will also include a thorough environmental review in accordance with state guidelines to protect open space, conserved lands and wildlife, and historic, agricultural, and archaeological resources. Additional community workshops are slated to begin Fall 2024.
Public Meeting Presentation April 8, 2024
Access more project information or contact Park Project Manager Camille Wildburger at 619-616-0534 or CamilleL.Wildburger@sdcounty.ca.gov for more information about the project.
Otay Valley Regional Park - Heritage Staging Area and Trails
As part of the Otay Valley Regional Park Concept Plan, the County of San Diego is developing a 2.5 acre staging area and multi-use trails between Interstate 804 and Heritage Road. The project includes the preliminary design plan for a staging area that will provide parking for hikers, bikers and equestrians to access the multi-use trails within Otay Valley Regional Park. The project also includes trail connections and improvements to trails west of Heritage Road to I-805 on each side of the river and select crossing points.
Additional community workshops slated to begin Fall 2024.
Meeting Presentation June 26, 2024
Access more project information or contact Park Project Manager Camille Wildburger at 619-616-0534 or CamilleL.Wildburger@sdcounty.ca.gov for more information about this project.
Otay Valley Regional Park - Trail Guidelines
The OVRP Trail Guidelines establishes guidelines for development of a multi-use trail system from the San Diego Bay, along the Otay River and around the perimeter of Otay Lake Reservoirs. This document sets criteria for alignment of future trail systems on both sides of the Otay River. This document also contains guidelines to aide in selection of the trail route and implementation of the trail system.
View pdf version of the 2003 Otay Valley Regional Park Trail Guidelines.
Otay Valley Regional Park - Design Standards & Guidelines
The purpose of the OVRP Park Design Standards & Guidelines is to establish design standards for publicly owned facilities within OVRP, and to provide guiding principles for adjacent private development that interfaces with the park. In addition, it expands upon materials and planning concepts presented in the OVRP Trail Guidelines document from 2003 and the 2001 version of the OVRP Concept Plan.
View pdf version of the 2005 Otay Valley Regional Park Design Standards & Guidelines.
Otay Valley Regional Park - Habitat Restoration Plan & Non-native Plant Removal Guidelines
The County of San Diego in coordination with the Cities of Chula Vista and San Diego have prepared the Habitat Restoration Plan & Non-native Plant Removal Guidelines (Plan). The goals of the Plan are to 1) remove populations of non-native vegetation and 2) to manage and minimize the expansion of non-native species with in the Otay Valley Regional Park (OVRP). The OVRP is an 11-mile long Park of over 8,500 acres, located in southern San Diego County. The Park extends from the southeastern end of the salt ponds at the mouth of the Otay River, through the Otay River Valley to the land surrounding both the Upper and Lower Otay Reservoirs. Since the OVRP is located in the jurisdiction of the County of San Diego, the City of San Diego, and the City of Chula Vista, those jurisdictions have entered into a Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement (JEPA) to plan and manage the OVRP.
View pdf version of the 2006 Habitat Restoration Plan & Non-native Plant Removal Guidelines.
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San Diego River Park
Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District
The Department of Parks and
Recreation (DPR) is embarking on a project to acquire property,
build trails and open access to land along the San Diego River.
Plans to connect this 52-mile corridor have been in play for several
decades – a collaborative effort involving the County, the City of
San Diego, The San Diego River Park Foundation, the San Diego River
Conservancy, various stakeholders and the greater San Diego County
community. In 2022 DPR completed the San Diego River Park Funding
Feasibility Analysis. In 2023 to present day the County is pursuing
the creation of an Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District (EIFD)
in partnership with the City of San Diego. An EIFD ensures there is
dedicated funding for future projects that are part of the
For up to date information and to learn more:
The County is advancing a planned project to restore sensitive habitat and improve community access to the Preserve. In addition to restoration and maintenance efforts already underway, the County is also working on a project to transform the already disturbed, dirt area used for parking off Elfin Forest Road into a designated staging area including fencing to control access, a park monument sign, picnic table, trash receptacle and information kiosk. The County hosted its first virtual public meeting to introduce the proposed improvements and solicit community feedback on Oct. 12, 2021. Designs are evolving in response to feedback received from the community. Learn more:
For more information, contact Park Project Manager Jen Spencer at Jen.Spencer@sdcounty.ca.gov or (858) 776-8399.
San Luis Rey River Park Master Plan Implementation
The County of San Diego has embarked on an ambitious project to develop a regional park along the San Luis Rey River. The proposed 1700-acre park will be approximately 9 miles in length, parallel to State Route 76, and will begin in Oceanside in the western-most portion and end in an area near Interstate 15 in the eastern-most portion. As envisioned, the river park will provide a combination of active and passive recreational opportunities along with approximately 20 miles of trails to park goers while preserving the San Luis Rey River corridor and surrounding land within the park.
For further information contact Sr. Park Project Manager Mark Kieser at Mark.Kieser@sdcounty.ca.gov or (858) 226-8200.
To view pdf versions of the Master Plan and Programmatic Environmental Impact Report (PEIR), please view: Master Plan Document.
San Luis Rey River Park: Rio Prado Park Active Recreation Site
In 2009, DPR acquired a 68-acre park parcel at the end of Dulin Road within the San Luis Rey River Park Master Plan area. This site was formerly known as SLR Dulin, but has now been officially named Rio Prado Park.
Public outreach, design, and environmental analysis were funded in July 2018 and initial concepts for the park were developed concurrently with Bonsall Community Park, the other active recreation node within the San Luis Rey River Park. In 2023, the County acquired an additional 49-acre parcel to expand active and passive recreation opportunities and access for Rio Prado Park.
DPR will re-engage the community in the development of new concepts for all 117-acres of Rio Prado Park in the near future. Presently, the team is focused on moving Bonsall Community Park into construction.
For further information contact Sr. Park Project Manager Mark Kieser at mark.kieser@sdcounty.ca.gov.
San Luis Rey River Park: Bonsall Community Park
In 2015, the County of San Diego Department of Parks and Recreation (County Parks) acquired a 63-acre former golf course off Camino Del Rey. The site was formerly known as SLR Downs, and it is one of two active recreation parks identified in the San Luis Rey River Park (SLRRP) Master Plan.
The Master Plan for SLRRP is made up of more than 1,700 acres (or 9 linear miles) of parks, multi-use trails, staging areas, and open space along the San Luis Rey River between Interstate 15 and the Old Bonsall Bridge.
Bonsall Community Park was selected for active recreation because of its location. The acreage is in a more populated area – next to Bonsall Elementary School, Bonsall Community Center, several housing developments and Highway 76. It is also land that is already disturbed which reduces the impact that construction and increased use will have on the environment.
Building this park makes progress toward the County’s goal of providing 3 acres of local, public parkland for every 1,000 residents. Currently, the Bonsall community does not have any designed public parks.
Helpful Links:
For more information contact Park Project Manager Faye Pokletar at Faye.Pokletar@sdcounty.ca.gov or 619-510-1278.
Featuring a 2.5-mile multi-use trail system for hikers, equestrians, and mountain bikers the Santa Maria Creek Greenway would provide the community with new and enhanced recreation opportunities for people of all ages, interests, and abilities while protecting land and local wildlife in Ramona. The project would take advantage of the existing Santa Maria Creek staging area off Montecito Road, and link up with Wellfield Park, and the downtown Ramona business district – increasing local connectivity, promoting walkable car-free transportation options, and supporting safety and regular upkeep via County and volunteer patrols. The first Greenway segment is being built as part of the Ramona Intergenerational Community Campus and the 13th Street Bridge replacement projects. The project aligns with the County’s Regional Decarbonization Framework and climate adaptation strategies. By adding a multi-use trail, the need for driving is reduced and in turn, greenhouse gas emissions. Carbon sequestration will also be supported through land management activities in the Greenway such as tree planting.
The County Board of Supervisors has allocated capital funding in the
2023-2024 budget to support outreach, easements and acquisitions, and
to develop an Implementation Plan for the Greenway. The project will
focus on the 2.5 miles between Wellfield Park and the Ramona
Grasslands County Preserve. The Greenway will eventually include a
linkage through the Ramona Grasslands County Preserve to the regional
Coast to Crest Trail.
The County is actively seeking willing landowners near Santa Maria
Creek to grant easements or land that will allow the vision of the
Santa Maria Creek Greenway to become a reality. Participation by
landowners is completely voluntary. Land Donations or easements are
preferred. Interested landowners should contact the Department of
Parks and Recreation Trails Program Manager, Lizzy Bendrick at trails@sdcounty.ca.gov.
Project partners include the Ramona Trails Association, Ramona Chamber
of Commerce, and law enforcement.
August 2024 Public
Workshop Slides
A public workshop will be held on December 3, 2024, at the Ramona Library (1275 Main Street, Ramona, CA 92065). Workshop participants will have the opportunity to view trail alignment concepts and provide input on general trail design features. December 2024 Workshop Flyer.
Brochure with a map of the area
South Lane County Park Improvements
The Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) has collaborated with the community to enhance the existing 10.5-acre park in Crest-Dehesa. In Spring 2021, public meetings were held, followed by the presentation of park concepts in Summer 2021, and the sharing of a final concept plan in Spring 2022, which can be found here.
DPR is currently finalizing construction documents based on the Spring 2022 concept plan. The goal is to commence construction in 2025, pending funding availability. DPR has applied for a grant to support construction funding, with the award notice expected in Spring 2024.
For further details, please reach out to Park Project Manager Camille Wildburger at CamilleL.Wildburger@sdcounty.ca.gov or 619-616-0534.
The Spooner’s Mesa Culvert Project is located in the County of San Diego near the United States-Mexico border. The project is immediately south of Monument Road near the Tijuana River Valley Campground. The project will reconstruct a failed drainage culvert under the road, improve stormwater conveyance and restore eroded slopes with native vegetation for long term stormwater protection. The county of San Diego, Department of parks and Recreation (DPR) is completing a feasibility study and are anticipating completing the construction by summer 2025.
For more information, please contact Krupali Shah, Park Project Manager, at Krupali.Shah@sdcounty.ca.gov or (619)-629-4964.
Butterfield Trails Ranch/Star Valley Park Development and Intergenerational Center
In 2021 the Valley Center Park and Recreation District was dissolved, and all existing park amenities and management were transferred to the San Diego County Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR). The Star Valley Park property was included in the transfer with the understanding DPR would improve the park in the future to meet the needs of the community.
In 2023 The County acquired the Butterfield Trails Ranch, 60-acre property for the purpose of establishing a public park and satisfying recreational needs of the Valley Center community.
On May 14th, 2024, the Board of Supervisors approved the 2024/2025 Budget which included $1 million funding for the public engagement and planning of Star Valley Park in conjunction with Butterfield Trails Ranch. Both sites are considered for sitting of the Intergenerational Center and other recreational amenities. Final location and programming of each site will be determined through public planning process. Design and construction funding will be requested in future years.
DPR will be reaching out to the community and stakeholders and holding events within the community to gather information and feedback on amenities people would like to use at each park site. Additional information and schedules will be made available soon and will be linked here.
For more information, contact Park Project Manager, Luke Taylor at lucas.taylor@sdcounty.ca.gov or (619) 609-8813.
An upgraded
visitor experience is coming soon to the popular Sweetwater Bike
Park. The project will include a restroom building with a drinking
fountain. There is also an effort to formalize the parking area, and
creating an improved experience for visitors. Design is currently
underway, with construction anticipated to start in 2024. Concept plan.
For more information, please contact Park Project Manager Amy Hoffman at Amy.Hoffman1@sdcounty.ca.gov or 619-695-6003.
Sweetwater Lane County Park Photovoltaic Carports
Sweetwater Lane hosts a variety of multi-sport leagues and games throughout the year, and the County is expanding the sustainability of the night light use through a carport project. The project will include multiple carports over the existing parking area. The carports will hold enough photovoltaic (solar) panels to offset the electrical usage from the sport lighting. The project will also upgrade the lighting to efficient LEDs and improve the visibility on the fields when the lights are in use. The project is fully funded in partnership with the Department of General Services, and construction is expected to begin in 2023.
For more information, please contact Park Project Manager Annette Saul at Annette.Saul@sdcounty.ca.gov or 619-916-6024.
The Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) is working with
multiple agencies to complete the Sweetwater Loop Trail. The trail
project consists of the acquisition, design, environmental analysis
and permitting, mitigation, and construction of multi-use trails
surrounding the Sweetwater reservoir. This project will be completed
in segments. For segments 5-7 and Lakeview Staging Area, DPR is
constructing a new one-acre staging area at Lakeview Avenue and Quarry
Road to provide equestrian and pedestrian access to the Sweetwater
Loop multi-use trails. Construction for this segment is anticipated to
begin in spring 2023.
View a
map of the conceptual loop trail.
For more information, contact an to Senior Park Project Manager, Mark Caro at 619-932-9339 or mark.caro@sdcounty.ca.gov.
Sweetwater Loop Trail Segments 5-7 and Lakeview
Staging Area
The Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) is constructing a new one-acre staging area at Lakeview Avenue and Warry Road to provide equestrian and pedestrian access to the Sweetwater Loop trail Segment 5, and pedestrian access to Segments 6 and 7. The staging area will be accessed off Lakeview Avenue, and will include stabilized decomposed granite surfacing, ADA accessible parking, equestrian trailer parking, a pad for a portable restroom, and vehicle gates that will be locked at night. Landscape construction plan.
For more information, contact an to Senior Park Project Manager,
Mark Caro at 619-932-9339 or mark.caro@sdcounty.ca.gov.
Sweetwater Summit Regional Park Campground Expansion
The popular Sweetwater Summit Campground is getting an upgrade in 2023. The project will include renovating a section of the campground to construct 17 full hook-up RV campsites at Sweetwater Summit Campground. The project will also include an expansion of the photo voltaic carports at the adjacent community room. The new solar installation is expected to completely offset the expanded electrical uses, making the new 17 campsites Zero Net Energy. Construction has begun and is anticipated to be complete in winter 2023. Concept plan.
For more information, contact Park Project Manager Amy Hoffman at 619-695-6003 or Amy.Hoffman1@sdcounty.ca.gov.
Sycuan – Sloane Canyon Trail Project
The Sycuan-Sloane Canyon Trail Project is a proposed new 4.9-mile trail within the unincorporated communities of Crest, Dehesa, Granite Hills, and Harbison Canyon. The project will provide a regional connection between the Sweetwater Loop Regional Trail and the California Riding and Hiking Trail, as well as a connection to a United States Fish and Wildlife Service trail network. The proposed trail will improve connectivity and mobility on a regional scale by increasing opportunities for walking, bicycling, and horseback riding. The trail is comprised of six segments that will be constructed in phases. Design of Segments 1, 2 and 6 are currently underway. Segment 2 construction is anticipated near the end of 2023. Visit the links below to view project maps and plans:
Visit the links below to view the project FAQ:
Note: Trails are not currently open. For more information, contact Emmet Aquino, Park Project Manager via email at Emmet.Aquino@sdcounty.gov or by phone at 619-318-6929.
The Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) recently acquired a 6.8-acre site on East Fallbrook Street, between Golden Road and Morro Road, to provide new active recreation opportunities for residents of all ages, interests and abilities. DPR hosted three virtual public meetings and circulated online surveys to learn about the community's recreation hopes and desires and integrate them in a final concept for the new park. The project was taken to bid in Summer 2023 and construction began in Fall 2023. Construction will continue through Spring 2025 and an opening ceremony will be held after construction is complete.
For more information contact Park Project Manager Riley De-Witt Rickards at riley.dewittrickards@sdcounty.ca.gov or (619) 695-6010.