

We’ve designed a new web portal for teens to foster better park knowledge, visitation and participation in park events! Park-ology is a free, cloud-based education tool designed to teach teens, ages 14 to 18, about the parks and recreation industry.

Content is split into three sections – Play, Nature and People – to provide a diverse and comprehensive look at key topics and concepts while unveiling a number of STEAM-related careers that students can learn more about as they plan their academic and professional futures. Text is balanced with videos, games and fun facts to keep students engaged and entertained.

View all the interesting, interactive components in an hour or less, per module! Upon course completion, students will receive a certificate and once all three are completed, students will receive a special gift!

Two of three portals are completed now: PLAY and NATURE.

  • Park-ology: PLAY is an introductory module that explores the evolution of recreation at the local, national and international levels. Students are introduced to concepts like play theory and the benefits of responsible park use.
  • Park-ology: NATURE focuses on San Diego County's rich biodversity, and the unqiue habitats that abound. Learn about native species, invasive species and multi-agency efforts to protect the land and local environment.  

This program was developed by Department of Parks and Recreation staff with feedback from education industry stakeholders. These contributions provided unique perspectives and real-world experiences to ensure course content is both relevant and understandable.

We encourage you to check it out, learn something new, and let us know what you think as we continue to fine-tune this cirriculum. 

Links to the portal to earn a Park-ology certificate:

Questions and comments may be sent to 

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