Resident Tree Planting Program

The County of San Diego Department of Parks and Recreation initiated a tree planting program to expand the tree canopy in the region. Through this program, heritage trees are documented and protected, damaged and diseased trees are treated and/or removed, healthy native saplings are planted, and staff work closely with residents to provide them with the tools they need to properly plant and care for trees at home via a robust volunteer program. 

There are many ways to support the County's tree replanting efforts, and we encourage you to take an active role in building a greener tomorrow.    

Help us get 10,000 trees planted across the County of San Diego in 2023! Report trees you plant at your personal property by adding them to our Tree Plotter - capturing anything that was put into the earth between Jan. 1, 2023 and today. 

Visit our Tree Plotter Web Page to get started.

Need help with the system? This How-To document will walk you through the process.  

Planting trees enriches local ecosystems, supports biodiversity, provides shade, prevents soil erosion, sequesters carbon from the atmosphere into the soil, and provides a natural buffer against wind and noise.

The County has outlined aggressive tree planting measures in its Climate Action Plan; the 2020 target was to plant 14,000 trees in the unincorporated County, and by 2030 that number more than triples to 49,000. We met 2020 goals and are on track to satisfying the next target for unincorporated parts of San Diego - but that doesn't account for other jurisdictions within greater San Diego County.

That's where you come in. Help us make a difference, especially where our staff aren't stationed and where our parks don't exist. Put your personal 'green stamp' on the land around you to support regional climate goals for a healthier, more sustainable San Diego. 

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