Louis A Stelzer
Louis Stelzer

Louis A. Stelzer County Park

11470 Wildcat Canyon Road, Lakeside, CA 92040
Park: (619) 561-0580
Reservations Center: (858) 565-3600, (877) 565-3600
Hours: 9:30 a.m. –  sunset, daily
Parking is $3. Read the park brochure View the video!

Stelzer County Park is made up of 420 acres of oak woodland and coastal sage scrub. The park contains several miles of multi-use hiking trails, TRACK Trails for kids, exercise equipment, playgrounds, a horseshoe pit, restrooms, barbeques and plenty of picnic tables set beneath a thick canopy of old-growth trees - making it an ideal location for weddings and special events!

Parallel to Wildcat Canyon Creek along the western bank, find the 0.7 mile Riparian Trail that wanders through fresh water habitat and is home to a variety of native plants and wildlife including deer, raccoons and bobcats. 

The 0.6-mile Stelzer Ridge Trail begins past the western playground just south of the giant live oak tree. Beautiful views of mountains to the east and valleys down below will follow you as you make your way to the Kumeyaay Promontory – where you can take a left for a rigorous climb to the summit. 

The 0.28-mile Wooten Loop Trail connects the Riparian and Stelzer Ridge Trails. In the spring, you will encounter the vibrant colors of wildflowers in the meadows along the way. Enjoy the refreshing breeze at the observation deck while searching the skies for birds of prey.

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