

Holiday Food Drive

Help us help San Diegans in need by donating unopened food at one of our parks. This is part of a larger County-wide drive to collect 4,000 pounds of food!

You may see some signs and a donation bin when you enter one of our proerties. This is because the County of San Diego is hosting a region-wide food drive, to help address food insecurity among San Diegans.

We understand that when basic needs aren’t met, health, hope and quality of life can be compromised – and while our park teams work every day to fulfill individuals’ recreational needs, we can’t help to fill their pantries without the support and generosity of our park guests.

Please consider reducing food waste at home by donating unopened food items when you arrive for your stay, now through Dec. 6.

Bins have been placed at all of our regional parks, campgrounds, community centers and nature centers. Find a park HERE.

Most-wanted items include canned (no glass jars, please) meats and tuna, canned soup, canned vegetables and fruits, peanut butter, spaghetti, cereal, rice and macaroni and cheese.

All donations are appreciated and will be picked up, sorted and delivered to the San Diego Food Bank for distribution.  

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